Wednesday, May 09, 2007

That's ONE down...

Guess what? My baby lost her first tooth this morning. She was SO excited. She was just as excited when it started getting wiggly. I'm pretty I never wanted to see her wiggle it.

A few days ago, we noticed that the new tooth was starting to come in behind the loose one. So we knew it wouldn't be too much longer before the baby tooth came out. The past couple of days it's been really loose, so we knew it was a matter of time. Then this morning, while brushing her teeth, out it came. YUCK!!!

So we put it in a dixie cup so she could really "examine" it when she got home from school today :-).

Anyway, I just had to share that. She looks so cute with her little tooth gone. I can't wait to see how she looks when the two middle ones on the top come out.


Brown English Muffin said...

Ah she really does look cute...and she looks majorly excited!!

Jada said...

She looks so cute without!!!

Susie Q said...

She IS so precious!! What a sweet moment! Thank you for letting us share in it!! Tell sweet Jayla congratulations!!

Love and hugs,

TanishaRenee said...

How cute...looks like it's time for the tooth fairy to pay a visit. How much do teeth go for these days? LOL!

Gretchen said...

Could she BE any cuter? ;)

Lynilu said...

I love that delighted grin she has!! She is so cute!