Anyway, I totally feel that Christmas is all about the kids and all about giving. However, that doesn't mean that I can't have my own wish list, right? Well, I've come up with the things that I think would really be nice to have this year. Here's a few of the things that I'd LOVE.

Ok, let's start small (relatively speaking). I'd like to upgrade to a platinum princess cut diamond engagement ring. This year we will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. I think it's time for an upgrade.

Alrighty, now I really LOVE Dr. Pepper. Although I don't keep it in the house (unless we have guests over or something) And on occasion, if I'm out shopping, I will treat myself to a nice cold one. So, an unlimited supply would be nice :-).

Ok, now we're getting to the bigger stuff. A few years ago, I actually owned a Chevy Tahoe. However, in order to save some money, we had to trade it for something more affordable. And now, considering how much gas costs, that was a great decision. But I'd be lying if I said that I don't miss it. And NOW...they've come out with a new body style and I LOVE it!!! I'm not really picky about the color, but this black is pretty HOT!!! I'm not normally one who drools over stuff. But don't let me see one of these baby's driving down the street......
Now, being that I'm a stay at home mom, my cash flow is a little....uhhhhh, shall we say, non existent? Don't get me wrong, I have access to the family account. But I do stress out a little when there's not enough there for what we need and sometimes want. I'd LOVE to have a constant flow of money that can take care of all our needs and some of our wants. Fortunately, I'm a very frugal person, especially when it comes to my own desires. So, if we did have the money, we wouldn't want a bigger house or extravagant vehicles (except that Tahoe...which isn't really extravagant...just HOT!). We'd pay off our debts, pay monthly bills (always on time) and have "play" money. Oh, and maybe add a little addition onto the house (a craft room).
Ok, so, how did I do? That's not asking for alot, is it? hee hee. Now, for those of you who think I SHOULD have some of these things, please send your generous donations to........
HA HA! Just kidding (obviously). Alright, it's your turn. If all was right in the world, and money was no object, what would be on your Christmas list??? Share, share.....