...ARGH!!! I have just been running around like a crazy lady lately. I forget that some errands and just life in general take on a different "dynamic" in the summer, when there's a 7 year old in tow.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having Jayla around everyday. She's GREAT company and makes for humorous day to day comings & goings. I'll tell ya, I just love this kid.
Case in point, yesterday, we were at Michaels. I'm on the hunt for some chandelier stickers or stamps or stencils, or SOMETHING. I've built a desk for my sewing machine and I want to decorate it with chandeliers. Don't ask me why...I just do and I just like them, ok? ;)
ANYWAY...we're wandering around Michaels and I'm looking for something that either is or resembles a chandelier...trying to get the creative juices flowing. As I'm thinking out loud, I happen to say, "I can't make a stencil because...because, I just CAN'T! I've tried and it ain't happenin!"
So Jayla hears my "thoughts", grabs me by the arms and says to me; "MOM! You CAN do it! Don't give up! You've told me not to quit and don't give up. So you can't give up and be a quitter either. C'mon Mom, YOU CAN DO IT!!"
Ok, so as her mother, what do I say at this point? I mean, she's right, I HAVE said that to her. And I'm sure, especially since she's only 7, I'm gonna say it again...and again. But seriously...I HAVE tried and I CAN'T do it!
So after laughing and getting over my shock of what she just said, I grab my daughter and give her a big hug and a kiss on her head. And I say to her...as sweetly as I possibly can; "Honey, you don't understand...I've tried and tried and really, Mommy CAN'T make a chandelier stencil! And not only that, I don't HAVE to...cuz I'm GONNA find one!" lol
To which she responds, "Oh mom, I believe in you...you can do it...you just have to TRY!"
Anyway, this "precious moment" as it was, goes on for quite a while. But needless to say, although my daughter called me out, so to speak, the search continues. I WILL find that chandelier stencil or stamp! LOL
So, anyway, last week I had to take Jayla to the doctor because she's had this annoying little cough for a few weeks now. She also complained of her left ear feeling, "stopped up - like when we were on the plane". And since she doesn't seem to be able to hear me that well when I call her name (unless I'm calling her to see if she wants some ice cream or to go to the park, lol), I thought I'd better get it checked out. We go to the movies to see Madagascar 2 that morning (VERY cute movie, by the way) then head to the doctor. Only for them to discover that she not only has an ear infection, but also a sinus infection. GREAT!!!
We are then sent to the pharmacy to get her prescription of Amoxicillian. ONLY to find that it's gonna cost us $60! Little did I know that we now have a $50 deductible on prescriptions every year. ANYWAY, I paid it we went on our way. 2 doses into the meds, it dawns on me, "Publix (grocery store) has FREE antibiotics with a prescription!" ARGH!!! I could've saved us $60! Oh well, whatcha gonna do?
We are now 8 days into the meds and only 2 more days to go. The coughing has pretty much gone away. However, Jayla claims that she might still have the ear infection though. (She knows this because she's gonna be a pediatrician one day, lol) I ask her why and she says, "Because I still can't hear YOU that good! I can hear daddy, I just can't hear you that good!" You're kidding me, right? LOL I think she's gonna milk this one...
I've been trying to get back in the swing of scrapbooking too. So I'm excited about showing off our vacation album when I'm done with it. I'm also gonna try and start on our anniversary album too. That way, I won't get burned out and bored with one event. We'll see how that goes.
Well, that's it for tonight. Ya'll have a great evening. Toodles!
10 years ago
That little girl believes her momma can do anything, doesn't she? I love that kind of blind faith from children. Makes us believe all thing as possible. :) What a swetie!
huh...what did you say I can't hear you!!! LOL
I'm still bummed about the $60 vs free antibiotics...I'm glad you're over it!! LOL
She is one of the cutest girls I "know" LOL!
By the way.. Hambly makes 12x12 chandelier transparencies and also they have chandelier rubons. Not sure if that's something like what you are looking for but you should be able to find them online.
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