Saturday, July 16, 2011

FUNway model

I love having daughters!

And what's really fun right now is that my youngest,  is a very girly girl! She LOVES pretend play, playing with her dolls, "cooking" in her oh so cool kitchen and playing dress up.

This is one of the delicious meals she made for me
Watching her play dress up has been super fun for me. If she's not wearing something of mine that I don't wear anymore, she's wearing one of her "fancy" dresses and sparkly  high heeled shoes. We go to the thrift store sometimes and pick up dresses for a couple bucks and she's a happy camper. She even has a garment rack to hold them all.

We've also been blessed to have a friend who attends a Mardi Gras Ball every year. Being that she won't wear the same dress more than once...I mean, who WOULD? :-) She has more dresses than humanly necessary she knows what to do with. So being the good friend that she is, she gives them to J'Bear.

Tell ya what...let's take a look at some of the treasures that J'Bear has accumulated, shall we?

This is from our "wedding collection"
Simple & elegant. Perfect for that pretend beach wedding.

This is also from our wedding collection.
Complete with a "veil" in a lovely seafoam green.

From our "bridesmaid collection".
This is actually the skirt of a 2 piece ensemble :-).

Apparently Trae is not amused by this
bright pink ensemble with
mommy made pick ups
 from our bridesmaid collection.
 Maybe it's the shoes! :-)

This is her newest piece from
her "aluminum foil" collection :-).
Notice the jewels at neckline.
Another lovely dress from our
"Bridesmaid collection"
(it looks bright red on this picture.
But it's really a brick red almost burgundy.)

And this cute little number is from
our "party line".
We opted out of showing the powder blue dress from our "bridesmaid" line. J'Bear said that it was, "SOOO 2 weeks ago!" LOL

I just love how she's so creative and watches way too many fashion inspired TV shows to know that there are LINES of clothing designs.

What type of pretend play are your kids into these days that make them feel like such "grown ups"?


Lynilu said...

She's too cute!!

Tricia said...

How cute is she!!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Look at all of those dresses..some of them are very stylish!