...Not to worry, this post is not to give you guys my Christmas list. I mean, would you really get me all the things I REALLY want, anyways? :-) Actually, I don't want that much this year. Money would be fine...I still need to get started on my craft room.
Alrighty, this is actually a cute questionnaire I found on Cheryl's blog. She always has the neatest lists. So, here goes:
1. Wrapping paper or gifts bags? I use both. However, I really enjoy wrapping gifts. Even though my husband thinks it takes an act of congress to UNwrap the gifts that I wrap. Something about too much tape, LOL.
2. Real or artificial tree? Artificial. I don't like the smell of real trees. Not to mention, I don't wanna have to go buy a tree every year. AND...it's enough to keep my house plants from dying. So to remember to water a big ole tree is just a bit much for me. And sadly, I really don't have space anymore to put up the 7 1/2 foot tree that I WANT to put up. So this year I just put up the 4 foot tree. Still very pretty.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the week after Thanksgiving...if I can find it :-).
4. When do you take the tree down? Just before Valentines Day, LOL. Just kidding. I take it down a couple days after New Years Day.
5. Do you like eggnog? ACK!!!!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I'd have to say a beautiful purple radio :-). And also my Tiffany Taylor doll. I think she was the first black doll ever created, lol. I remember her being tall and thin. Kinda like those stupid Bratz dolls...but not near as ghetto! She had long hair, down to her hynie (the first weave, I think...hee hee). And the top of her head could be turned...depending on if you wanted her to have black hair or brown hair. TOO COOL!!! (WARNING: Whatever you do, please do not try and look this doll up on the internet. I did, so that I could show you a picture of her. And the links that came up have NOTHING to do with the doll I had...nor Christmas. TRUST me on this one...Consider yourself warned!!!)
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I actually have 2 of them. And I keep them out all year long. I LOVE them.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My husband and my mother. Oh, and...my husband again :-).
9. Easiest person to buy for? Jayla! This girl is SO appreciative of ANYTHING you give her. So it makes shopping for her very easy and fun.
10. Worst Christmas gift you've ever received? Oh, my...I have no idea. But I'm sure it was something from my mother. She loves to give gag gifts.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Definitely mail. I love the "personalness" (is that a word?) of sending and receiving cards in the mail.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. And I love, A Christmas Story.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Funny this question is being asked. My wedding anniversary is on the 17th of December....a week before Christmas. Not sure how this "tradition" got started. But several years ago, when I was working outside the home, my hubby and I would take the 17th off of work (or the day closest to it if it fell on the weekend) and we'd spend the day together. And not just "spend it together", but together Christmas shopping for the kids. SO...I said all that to say, that we'll start shopping NEXT weekend, :-).
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Ok, there was this one time....Oh, and then last year....next question please :-).
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Uhhhh, is food specific enough?
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? CLEAR!!! Oh my goodness, I HATE colored lights on the tree. I think it has something to do with the memory of my childhood tree. Back in the 70's and 80's, they didn't have the cute little lights that we have these days. My mom used to put those HUMONGUS incandecent sized lightbulbs on our tree. ARGH! I'm surprised our tree never went up in flames or fell over!
17. Favorite Christmas song? Other than the classic, Blue Christmas by Porky Pig :-). I'd have to say, my all time fav is Celebrate me home by Kenny Loggins.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We stay home most of the time. But we have gone to Mobile in the past to be with my family.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? I think so. (gosh I hope the next question is not to actually name them...)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither. I like a big fat bow on the top of my tree.
21. Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The crowds and NO parking. It was crowded in PetSmart this morning...what's up with THAT?
23. Do you decorate your tree in any specific theme or color? Yes. I love dark green and burgundy for Christmas. And I accent with silver. As I look around, I think the theme, is actually music. I have a lot of french horns placed around.
24. What do/did you leave for Santa? All the credit card bills from Christmas shopping! LOL
Well, that's it. Hmmm, wonder why there weren't 25 questions? You know, since Christmas is on the 25th. Oh well! That was fun though. I love doing stuff like this.
If you have time and would like to join in on the fun, please take a minute (or 30) and do this questionnaire yourself. But if you do, be sure to let us know in my comments. Toodles!!
10 years ago
LOVED your answers!!!! I also love nativity sets and usually keep mine up year round too!
My hubby is actually just about the EASIEST person to buy for! He likes just about anything and I catch him saying, "I want..." and "I wish I had..." all the time, so I keep notes ! :-)
And LOL at the Tiffany Taylor doll. I will NOT try and go search for it on the Net (which you know I was gonna try!)
Have a wonderful Monday!!!
Speaking of nativity scenes, I've seen some with Santa in the mix and some of the reindeer, too. And this was in the US.
Dawn, please tell me you don't have Santa visiting at the manger too! And tell the truth!
OH I wish my hubs was easy to buy for but I manage. I loved reading your answers Dawn. You are so funny!
I'm in total agreement with you about the eggnog. Eeeew. I enjoyed getting to know you better, and hear about your traditions. I'll do this on my blog soon. :)
I did the list. Come see. :) Your daughter is beautiful. Happy 23rd b'day!!!! Blessings.
I ignored your warning (of course) and went on a search...
This is the best picture I could find, but I'm not sure that this is the doll you were referring to because I don't remember her: http://www.dollsandtoysaustralia.com/tiffany.html
BTW, Tiffany Taylor is apparently a modern day porn star so you might want to search on "Tiffany Taylor doll" :)
My "better late than never commenting" friend, Diane, brought something to my attention my beloved, Tiffany Taylor doll, lol.
FOR THE RECORD, I DID do a search by typing "Tiffany Taylor doll". And the results were the same, had I not. These days, Miss Taylor is a...shall we say, a different type of "doll" than I remember.
Thanks again Diane. But I had it covered :-)...Tiffany may not now, but I did :-D.
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