Friday, February 15, 2008

Almost forgot again...

Happy Friday!!

Whew...I almost forgot about the FFF again! I mean, there's so much going on around here today. Ok...this week has been kinda crazy. But it's all good :-). I'd rather be busy than sitting around watching my hair turn grey(er).

Today, we're having some trees cut down on the side of our house. Remember, in April of 2006 a big ole tree branch "attacked" our house? Well, we're finally having those cut down. So I'm watching the guys out there to make sure they don't fall off those tall trees into OUR side of the yard, LOL. We've got good insurance. But it ain't THAT good!!! (Be careful up there, mister!)

So, with that goin on outside, me helping friends get their kids to and from school, and this whole Valentine photo shoot thing (see yesterdays post, if you don't know what I'm talking about)...I'm doing good to remember to do the Flower Fix before sun down! :-)

Anyhoo...that's enough talking. How bout some pretty flowers to start off your weekend....

Is that not the cutest thing? See, all walks of life enjoy a pretty flower every now and again. :-) Hmmm, wonder if I could get Trae to pose like that for me?

Well, I'm off to go check on the tree man again then going to pick my baby up. Ya'll have a groovy weekend. And don't forget...BE INSPIRED!!!

P.S. Be on the look out for my Studio reveal some time next week...


Emme Jay said...

Hi Dawn! It's nice to "meet" you. Thanks for visiting our blog. Your blog is simply beautiful ,and dare I say....inspiring! I feel my creativity and appreciation for life rising. We are in Bibb county, and b/c we are new here that means precisely nothing to me, b/c I know where nothing is in relation to Macon:) Are you from GA? Look forward to reading more from you.

Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Nice doggie! The Japanese (those of the traditional Shinto religion)believe that God exists in animals and nature, as opposed to the traditionally Western belief that God created animals and nature. When I look at that picture, I think of what the Shinto point of view.

Gretchen said...

Darling flower fix; I think we all enjoy beauty. :) I hear you on the tree thing...I hope it all worked well for you.

Can't wait for the big reveal.


Jude said...

Can;t wait for that studio reveal!!! Oh, and Micah loved you Instinks comment!!