Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

I know I've already posted once today. But I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone who takes a moment to read here, a wonderfully Merry Christmas. Remember, this is a time of giving, sharing, remembering and loving those who God has placed in our lives. If it wasn't for Him, there'd be no us. I know we all have some sort of "list" of things we might want and/or need for Christmas. But it's not just about what we can GET from others. It's more about what we can GIVE to others. I wish those of you that are going away for Christmas, safe travels to and fro. And for those staying close to home, you too be safe. Until I write again, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Merry Christmas to you!!!!!!