Monday, December 19, 2005

Woo's OUTTA here.....

YAY! I went in today for my follow up appt on my broken ankle. The doctor told me that I no longer have to wear the brace, as it has done it's job. Yippy!!! However (there's always a however), I do still have a little pain if I touch the area that was broken, or if I stand/walk too long, or if my foot just "flops" the wrong way. Therefore (there's always a therefore too) I will have to go through therapy. Probably not for long. But long enough for me not to "limp" anymore when I walk and for me to get my mobility back. The doc has warned me that the therapy WILL be painful. Great!! Anyway, the good news is, I'm not in that dumb brace anymore and maybe I can start back wearing TWO shoes. Oh, the little things in life :-).

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Girl, Im So glad that your brace is when I come down there...MAYBE we can go SHOE SHOPPING!!!!!! MARQUE already said you can go! LOL ;-)