Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Georgia Aquarium Field Trip - Part 1

Oh my goodness!!! Today, my DS had his 5th grade field trip. They went to the new Georgia Aquarium. Fortunately, me and my 4 year old were able to tag along.

Our Morning: Got up at 7:30am, checked the bank account to make sure there was enough in there for parking :-). Got me and my DD dressed, our hair done, teeth brushed and off we went. Left the house at 8:15am. Filled up the ole minivan with gas, went to the bank to fill up the ole wallet and on to the school. Arrived at the school at 8:45am (no busses there yet). Busses arrive at 8:50am. Busses leave school at 9:10am. NOTE: It's RAINING!!!!!

Fast Forward to downtown: First of all, I DO NOT go downtown! Therefore, I don't know my way around that well and tend to...uh have a panic attack of sorts when I get lost. Anyway, after having one of the other moms talk me to the parking deck, we get parked (on the VERY top of the deck...in the RAIN). I am soon advised that the students are across the street at Centennial Park having "brunch" (it's about 10:20am)...in the RAIN!!! So my DD and I wait at the aquarium entrance for the 150 students and parents to meet up with us. While waiting, I notice that just about every single school in Georgia came to the aquarium today. That place was PACKED!!!

Fast forward to the tour: We finally make our way into the building...along with every other person who's between Kindergarten and 12th grade!!! Anyway, it was overwhelming...both a good and bad feeling. The place was beautiful! There's really not too much more to say at this point...I'll let you just enjoy some of the photos that I took. Remember though, as you look over these pictures, I am NOT a photographer by trade. So please excuse any bad shots.

Fast forward to the photos:

The "chillin" Sea otter.

African Pengquins.

Bulooga Whales.


Diane said...

I wondered where you were today! I missed you. :(

Glad you had fun. Hey, I've seen those pictures somewhere before...

Oh yeah, something similar on my blog ;).

Next time, I'll drive. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great pics!