I have found myself looking through the Simple Scrapbooks - Scrapbook Shortcuts with Quizzes & Questions magazine yet again. And I stumbled on a quiz that I thought would be fun. Several of us have answered quizzes over the past few months, and the questions have all been a little different. This one, is gonna be fun because it gives you a chance to "LOOK BACK" at your childhood and just see how different your thoughts, desires and wants were from how they are in your adult life.
Before I answer these, I'd like to go ahead and get my tagging done :-). Alright ladies, you're on: Diane, Adrienne, Renee, Tangee, Tiffany, Muriel, Veronica, Brown English Muffin, and anyone else who may be interested. Thank you ladies, I look forward to seeing your answers
Quiz #3 Looking Back
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? I use to want to be a nurse, a "stewardess" (for you young 'uns, this is known as a flight attendant today...LOL), a teacher, a mom & a wife. I guess 4 outta 5 ain't bad, huh?)
2. How did you help out around the house? I was responsible for doing the dishes (prior to us getting a dishwasher in the mid 80's). I also had to empty all the trash cans in the house and of course clean my room (and my sisters).
3. What were you most afraid of? Being alone and ALL bugs :-).
4. Who was your first crush? My first "real" crush was on this guy named S. Worthy. (first name not given in an effort to protect the innocent..LOL). I was a cheerleader for the football team he played on, then we wound up going to the same highschool. He's a great friend of mine today.
5. Which childhood story do family and friends still tease you about? Hmmm, this is a hard one. I always tried VERY hard not to do things that would embarass me. But some things, can't be helped. Such as one time that I "thought" I was about to start my cycle. So I "secured" (obviously not too well) my trusty Stay Free pad in my underwear. Only to be outside with some friends (one being this guy that I liked) and I noticed the pad had slid down my leg and was hanging out the bottom of my pantsleg. ARGH!!! I'm not even sure how I got out of that situation :-). Fortunately, I only THOUGHT I was about to start. "Nothing messy to see here!" Thank GOD!
6. Which family vacation was your favorite? I'd have to say the year we went on a Carnival cruise to San Juan, Nassau and St. Thomas.
7. What did you do in the summertime? UGH...summertime as a child! Most of my summers were spent at home wandering around our neighborhood looking for someone to play with. But if I wasn't at home, I was spending the summer with my grandparents in Mobile, Alabama. Whew...doesn't get any better than that...NOT!!!
8. What did your childhood bedroom look like? I had this lovely turquoise blue SHAG carpet. My walls went back and forth between powder blue, pale pink and sunshine yellow. At one point, I had a beautiful SHINY brass bed. Then there was the bunk beds. Can't forget the ruffled sunshine yellow window treatments OR the pretty pastel patchwork design curtains (went with any color my walls and bedspreads happened to be). ARGH!!! Oh, and did I mention the HUGE album collection? I kept them ALL secured on my walls...so my little sister couldn't get to them. What a fashion statement!
9. As a child, what was your greatest talent? Not sure I had any talents. But I was told quite often that I could sing. By both friends and family. And I love to sing to this day.
10. What was the nicest thing your parents ever did for you? I'd have to say KEEP ME!!! :-)
Well, that's it. That was fun. Hope you all learned something about me. And I hope that what you've learned won't change your opinion of me...LOL!!! Be inspired.
10 years ago
Answering now. Since I'm bored out of my mind.
Your answers are really sweet...as I read each one I thought about what I might answer.
You had a very pleasant childhood by the sounds of things.
good answers...I have to do that quiz and scrapbook it...
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