Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's HERE!!

9:00am, the door bell rings...
As I'm trying to keep from waking Jayla up, I'm thinking to myself, "this had better be important!"
It was!!!
As I get to the door, I see the FedEx lady running across our yard back to her truck. Immediately, I knew what it was,
My new printer is HERE!!!
Yippy!! I'm back in business.
I was gonna try and hook it up by myself, but my husband reminded me that our printers are connected to our network. ARGH!!!
Ok, I can wait (simply because he's coming home early today)
Welp, I'm all set now. And not a moment too soon. Tonight is my scrapbooking night. So now I get to print whatever I need to take with me tonight.
Oh the joys of color printing :-).

Sunday, January 29, 2006

We passed inspection {smile}

Well, the day finally came. Adrienne came to town yesterday, did her "family" thing then came to visit us today. I tell you, I was SO excited about her coming. THEN...I got that phone call. Adrienne says, "Ok, I've got good news and I've got bad news!". What an awful thing to hear when you've just prepared a HUGE pan of lasagna, a big ole bowl of salad AND a delicious dessert! Well, fortunately, the bad news wasn't so bad. As long as they could get rid of her husbands migrane headache, they're still coming.

But we now know where Adrienne's love lies...it's with shopping :-). Before, she could come see us, she HAD to take a trip to the IKEA store. She's a mess. But she did locate it and was totally in another world (check out her BLOG for details on that trip). I hear another trip back is already being planned :-).

ANYway, Adrienne and her family finally made it to our home. Just as we were putting away the vaccum cleaner and going over the floor one more time with the broom, they pulled up. YAY!! Jayla comes running down the stairs yelling, "Miss Adrienne is HERE!!, Miss Adrienne is HERE!!!" She was almost as excited as me...but I wasn't yelling :-).

It was so cool to be able to meet, face to face, a FRIEND that I've been conversing with a little over 2 months. Like I said before, our meeting was simply routine. Had you seen us together today, eating dinner, talking scrapbook talk and just sitting around laughing with our husbands, you'd think we've known eachother for years. It was so funny, when they got ready to leave, Adrienne's 6 year old was crying because she didn't want to leave. And her 9 year old was a little calmer about it, but she didn't want to leave either. Adrienne joined in the "whining" stating that she too, wanted to stay a little longer. We must be quite the hosts, huh? :-). I don't know about you, but it sure makes me feel good when your guests are enjoying themselves so much that they don't want to leave. I'm flattered. Good thing is, we've agreed to try and visit with eachother more often. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for this friendship....me and Adriennes, our husbands AND our kids.

This is me and Adrienne. Doesn't she look tall? She's not. She had on 4 inch heels :-). Boy, we look tired, don't we? It was hard work getting this meeting together :-).

These are our 2 little "Diva's". My DD, Jayla (on the left) and Adrienne's DD, Kayla, had a ball playing dress up. Love that boa!

Here are all the kids. By the time this picture was taken, they were all just about ready for a nap. But I think they had a great time together. At least it sounded like it with all the noise they were making and all the toys that were spread around our playroom (They did a great job cleaning up though).

Whew, this entire planning thing was exhausting. It's especially hard when you're looking so farward to meeting someone. But everything went very, very well and I think we both passed inspection.

Adrienne, I officially welcome you and your family into my life. Enjoy!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

The Perished Printer - Take 2 (Remaining problem solved)

Gather around, gather around---the printer story continues. Good news? Yes, good news. I took a walk on the wild side and called Staples about my ink issue. They plan to help me. All I have to do is take the unopened cartridges back and they will refund some of my money. SOME...because it was a double pack and I had to open one package and administer to the ailing printer. I'm cool with that! Better news? Well of course there's better news. This post isn't NEAR as long as the one from yerterday. :-) Toodles!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Perished Printer

Oh what a sad day. Ok, maybe it's not so sad. It's more like a bitter sweet moment.
For the past day or so I have been having problems with my Epson Stylus C86 Photo printer. I won't bore you with the details of what it was...or was not doing. It just wasn't working properly. I have spent a small fortune on ink cartridges for this puppy since I bought it almost a year ago. I have truly put this printer to the test though. I mean I AM a scrapbooker. And I HAVE to print my photos and journaling, right? Trust me when I say I used the printer to its potential. Anyway, after changing 3 of the 4 cartridges within a 24 hour period and spending yet another $50 on MORE ink today. I thought it was time to give Epson Tech Support a call. I had already done all the tests prior to calling, but they suggested I do them again...just for kicks and giggles I assume. We knew there was a problem when it was "printing" blank pages and all the lights on it started flashing. Now, I'm concerned!

I asked the tech if this was something that he'd seen happen before and fortunately he said yes. So I wasn't the only one. However, at this point I'm thinking I'd better locate a coffin...uh, I mean box to put this thing in and send it back to Epson. But to my surprise, that was NOT the next step or resolution.

RESOLUTION: I do NOT have to return the old printer (which in fact IS still under warranty until April). In fact, they are going to ship me the upgrade of this printer...at no charge to me. (And the church said...AMEN!) So within the next 3 - 5 business days, I will be receiving a brand spankin new Epson Stylus C88 Photo Printer. How cool is THAT?? Two steps up for mankind. What do I do with the deceased one you ask? I was politely told I could either recycle it or heave it off a nearby cliff. Hmmm, what to do?

REMAINING PROBLEM: Remember the $50 I spent TODAY on more ink? Well, the new printer doesn't take the same kind of ink as the old one. Of course it doesn't...DUH...that would only make sense. And, of course I can't return the ink to Staples because I had to open the outer packaging to replace one cartridge that probably didn't really need replacing.

(Possible) 2nd RESOLUTION: The tech said that Epson MAY be able to reimburse me or "swap" cartridges with me once I get the new printer. I'm interested in seeing how THAT pans out.

Alrighty, that's enough fun for me today. Hopefully, I'll be back in business soon. I've got some scrappin to catch up on....

I'm 57% Dixie (Right on the Mason Dixon Line)

My niece sent me this link and it's pretty cool. I think I've seen it before, but I don't remember how I "ranked". So as you see above, I'm 57% Dixie...whatever THAT means. Not sure it has anything to do with me being from NYC. But I've been in GA so long, I think I'm from here. Wonder if I can change the birthplace on my birth certificate?

Anyhoo, here's the link. See where you "rank" and let me know! :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ok, it's CRUNCH time...

And it's not crunch time because I'm sitting here at my desk munching on chocolate drizzled PoppyCock. It's crunch time, because it's almost Sunday, Jan. 29th. What's the significance of THAT you ask? Well, my friend and fellow scrapbooker, Adrienne will be coming to Georgia to visit. I am SOOOO excited! Adrienne and I have been emailing and conversing by phone and IM since November 12th (I think). And to date, have never laid eyes on eachother....other than pictures.

We are both totally amazed at how we've just hit it off and become such good friends. I think us finally meeting face to face is just "routine". Because I don't think we're gonna like eachother any more or any less because we can now put a real live face with the name. To me, us meeting will simply be icing on the cake, so to speak.

Ok, now the actual part that makes this "crunch time" for me is that I have to finish cleaning my house and get "prepared" for her visit. And not only is SHE coming...she's bringing her family! So, I have to make sure I make a good impression. Lord knows I don't want her to think I'm a slob :-). AND, get this...I will also be attempting to impress her with my cooking. I'm preparing dinner for them too. Oh, what a weekend this will be.

Okie dokie, I've typed enough for now. I'll be sure to let you know how our meeting goes. If you notice that I've removed her from my "links", then perhaps it didn't go too well...HAHAHA! Just kidding, Adrienne. Love ya girl, can't wait to see you!

Monday, January 23, 2006

TAG...I guess I'm it (Thanks Adrienne)

Looks like I've been tagged. So I guess I'd better get on with it. Like I said, I love doing these questionnaires. But this one may ask a little more than I'm willing to share :-). Here goes:

1. First time you got kissed. How was it?
Well, the first time I got kissed, I was in the 7th grade. How was it you ask...it wasn't what I expected. Kinda wet :-). Not to mention about 10 of our friends were there watching...just to see if I'd go through with it. How embarassing!

2. First time you drove a car. What kind of car was it?
Too funny, the first time I drove, I was going to my then boyfriend, Tony's house. I was 18 and it was raining outside. I had a little problem pressing the brakes and I rear ended another car...a police car no less. ARGH!!! Then, when I backed up a little, I hit a telephone pole. What a day! I was driving a BRIGHT Yellow Chevy Chevette.

3. First time you scrapbooked. When you look at your page, do you love it?
The first time I scrapbooked was in July of 2001. I started on Markell's book and it SUX! But I will not redo any of the pages because it helps me see how far I've come. Not to mention, it is fun to look at.

4. First time you went on a date. Where did you go? Who with?
ARGH!!! My first date was to my Junior/Senior Prom in 1983. (see photo) My date (and then boyfriend, Tony) was over an hour late picking me up. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. And he was drag racing down the highway to the hotel where the prom was held. I thought we were gonna go to jail that night. I was given permission to stay out until 1am that night. I got home at 10:45pm!!! Just the thought of that night TICKS me off!!! :-)

5. First time you fell in love. How did you know?
What did I know? I was only 16. But I would have to say the first time I "fell in love" was with a guy who didn't even know I walked this planet. I knew I was "in love" with him because he was so different from all the other FOOLS I went to school with. And because he consumed my every thought. Come to find out, I wasn't really in love after all. That didn't REALLY happen until I met Marque, my husband. That one, I can't explain...I just KNEW...and still do!! (too sappy?)

6. First time you cooked for someone. Was it yummy? What did you make?
Marque was the first person I cooked for. Ya know, it was pretty tasty. We had Cornish Hens with gravy, corn on the cobb and crescent rolls. We had dessert too, but I can't remember what it was.

7. First time you got on a plane. Where did you go? Were you scared?
My first plane trip was from Georgia to New York to visit my dad. I was too excited to be scared. I hadn't seen him in a couple years.

8. First time you shaved your legs. Did you cut yourself?
I think I was 15 when I shaved my legs for the first time. One of my friends was spending the night with me so we decided to try shaving our legs. I don't think I cut myself, I just remember it not being as "fun" as all the other girls said it was. I don't think I've shaved my legs since. Fortunately, I don't really have to :-).

9. First time you put on makeup. Looking back, how did you look? Did you look good or like a clown?
I think I was in the 10th grade. And it was picture day. I think it looked alright. However, my mother thought I looked a little like a clown. The lipstick I had on was a bit much. And I don't wear lipstick to this day...I HATE the way it feels on my lips. It's enough for me to wear chapstick. (Here's that 10th grade picture. What do you think?)

10. First time you moved out of your (parents) home. Was it to an apartment or house?
I moved out of my mothers house into an apartment in April of 1988. It was me and my 3 year old daughter. The apartment was AWFUL!!! That was the longest 6 months of my life!!!

Well, there you have it. I've lived such a sheltered life :-). That was fun. Can't think of anyone I want to tag. So we'll just go from Adrienne's list and see what happens.

Have a groovy day!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

You've got to try this

Hello my blogger friends. Hope this post finds you all well.

I don't normally post things like this, but you have got to try this. My sister sent these to my husband who sent them to me. And it was so much fun to do...FRUSTRATING...but fun.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pull it over from Excel so that it would show immediately if you got the right answer. So I guess that means, you'll have to figure out the 30 mini puzzles in the comfort of your own homes :-). I have all the correct answers, so if you'd like me to tell you which ones you got right, or help you out with some, feel free to send me an email and I'll get back with you.

Thanks for your time and HAVE FUN!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Got Flowers?

How exciting...I did my first layout using the Prima Flowers. I admit, I didn't use them on a layout that you'd normally see flowers on. But since this isn't really a "soccer" page per se, I thought it would be alright. I kinda like how it turned out. Oh well, guess I've gotta buy some more colors now, huh? Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New scrappin toys

Yippy!!! Today I got some new scrapping toys to play with. Those of you who scrapbook will appreciate my excitement. Those of you who don't probably think I just need to get a life :-). C'mon fellow scrappers...It IS the life when you get something new, right???

Anyways, I ordered and received my first bottle of Prima Flowers. I got the bright assortment and they are SO pretty. Can't wait to use them. And I got a new circle punch. It's 2 1/8" in diameter...fun! I also got some bright colored "Loopy Brads". Have no clue how I'm gonna use those yet. But they are super cute. And saving the best for last, I got a Craft Space Organizer...in purple of course. It clamps onto my desk and it has a cup holder, pen/pencil/supply holder, tape dispencer and tiny supplies holder. I have wanted one of these things for so long. But I've been too cheap to pay for it (Not a WORD, Adrienne!!!) I'm so excited about it because now I can leave this one attached and take my CM Side Kick with me when I go scrapping. Oh, and yesterday, I got the Coluzzle LARGE Nested Circle cutter. Can't wait to use that too.

What can I say? It's the little things in life that thrill a scrapbooker. I'm not ashamed :-).

Been scrappin...

I'm so proud of myself. I finally completed a 2 page layout last night. It's not the best I've ever done, but it sure is cute. I can't help but believe that it's the pictures of Jayla that make it simply BEAUTIFUL to me.Hope you like it!

Monday, January 16, 2006

TELL me it ain't so....

Ok, I admit it...I'm a mess! And a clutz I might add.
You may remember back on November 5th, I stepped in a hole at the soccer field and broke my right ankle.

Remember that?

Well, I'm back to 100% now. Ok, 75%.

At my follow up appt, I was told I had to go to therapy. Once going to therapy, they told me that I'd probably have to go for about 20 sessions (2 per week at $20 per session). Yeah, Right!!! I started going and.....then I stopped (after 5 visits) :-).

Ok wait, in my own defense, there was NOTHING they were having me do that I couldn't do at home. I even paid $5 for one of those stretchy things so I could do my stretching exercises at home correctly.

Anyhoo, back to today. I'm in the basement cleaning up because we're about to have it remodeled. And as I was trying to get past the MOUNTAIN of trash we have accumulated, I kicked the side of the bottom step. OOOOOUUUUCH!!! I did SO well not to say the words that actually came to mind. Oh, and here's the kicker...no pun intended. It was my right foot...Yes, AGAIN!!!. So NOW, I have a purple swollen toe. Once again, I am limping!!! Tell me it ain't so!!! I tell ya, I can't catch a break...UGH, another bad choice of words.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ok, did I miss something?

As I was checking out all the blog links that Adrienne has on her blog, I saw that several people had done the "List of 4". But I also saw that there was one question that I either didn't get or forgot to answer. And OF COURSE, I HAVE to answer all of them...otherwise, I won't be in "compliance" TEE HEE!!! So here goes...the one I missed:

4 movies I'd watch over and over again
(but first, just like some of the other bloggers, I have more than 4. So with that, are ANY of us in "compliance"? SMILE)

1. The Color Purple
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Jerry McGuire
4a. Pretty Woman
4b. The Emporers New Groove
4c. Finding Nemo
4d. Armegeddon

Ok, that's it. I know this wasn't 0ne of the more important ones. But I wanted to do them all. Thanks for your time :-).

Do I deserve this?

Ok, I did it. I paid more than $20 for a purse today. And it's a brand name one at that. Yesterday, while out browsing, I came across this CUTE little 9 West purse. I walked around the store with it for a little while, acting like I was gonna buy it. But I just couldn't. I just couldn't see spending $60 on a purse...even if it was gonna be an additional 40% off. I dunno, I guess I just feel that I don't "deserve" really nice things. I have no problem at all spending money on quality things for the kids, my husband, my house or for others. But for me? It has to almost be free.
Case in point...I haven't bought jeans in almost 6 years. I didn't know that "straight leg" jeans were almost a thing of the past. ANYWAY, I go into the store and there's this WALL of folded jeans. All different styles and cuts. NOW, I'm overwhelmed! THEN I see the price. They were $35 a pair! I can imagine what you're saying to yourself..."Geesh, this chick IS CHEAP!". Anyhoo, once the sales lady stops laughing at me, she pulls a few down for me to try on. Hmmm, these look pretty cute, but $35?!?!? Ok, so I let my 4 year old talk me into buying ONE pair. I about passed out when the sales person gave me the total...and that was all I bought. Then I went and spent another $60 on some sneakers....on sale. But those, I will wear almost daily...you know, to justify the price :-). Oh and for the record, my husband and my MIL talked me into going back the next day to buy one more pair of jeans...YIKES!!!
Anyway, back to today. I go back to the store where I saw the cute little 9 West purse...I'm gonna buy it! But I can't find it...ARGH!! However, after digging through every purse I came across, I found it...WHEW, that was close! Again, I walk around with this purse still trying to convince myself that it's alright for me to have it. Well, I finally made my way to the cashier and quickly whipped out the debit card before I changed my mind again. But I have to admit, it IS cute and I will definitely get some use out of it....I mean it matches my new jeans for goodness sakes :-). Oh, did I mention that it also came with a cell phone holder, a make up pouch (I don't even wear make-up), & a key chain? NOW, that justifys the price, right? C'mon...Humor me!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

10 Things I Like About ME.....

Alright Adrienne, you know I don't like to be challenged :-). But this was one I couldn't pass up. Not that I enjoy talking about myself. Because those that know me, KNOW that isn't the case. But it is something that I've had to learn to do. As I am my HARDEST critic. Even my old boss use to tell me that at review time...I don't give myself enough credit. Okie dokie then, let's see what I can come up with:

10. I'm a child of God! (It was hard enough to be a child of Julius & Sheila. But I've always known where I stand with them. And I know they love me the way I am...just as God does)

9. I'm very creative. Somehow, I'm almost always able to make something out of nothing. This is what makes the hobby of scrapbooking so perfect for me.

8. I'm a good mom (even though I sometimes question that at times. It's the hardest job I've ever LOVED)

7. I'm a good wife ( I should be, I've been one for 17 years now. Not to mention, I'm actually pretty submissive...really, I am :-})

6. I'm very a very caring, empathetic, compassionate & emotional person. I tend to care more about others feelings than my own. (NOTE: I have to be careful with this one as it can & has backfired on me)

5. I think I'm pretty funny/humorous. I LOVE to laugh, make others happy/laugh and have a good time.

4. I'm a GREAT friend!!

3. I make BEAUTIFUL children! :-)

2. I'm a good hostess (I love having company and entertaining)

1. I'm a great lover. Passion & romance are very important to me.

Oh well, there you have it. This was a slightly difficult challenge. However, even though I didn't list them, I was able to think of a few more things I like about myself too. That is quite an accomplishment for me (again, those of you that know me will probably agree). This was fun! Thanks, A!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The List of 4!

I know, I know...another list. But I have to admit, I love doing these things. And while I'm at it, I'll admit that I "borrowed" this idea from Tangee, who actually "borrowed" it from someone else. Oh the world of crafters....we're always "lifting" ideas from eachother :-). Therefore, Adrienne, I don't mind if you borrow this from me :-). Here goes:

4 jobs that you've had:
1. Deli/Cake decorator at Kroger (this is where I met my DH)
2. Retail sales
3. IT Directors Assistant
4. Mom

4 places you've lived:
1. New York
2. Stone Mountain, Ga
3. Norcross, Ga
4. Powder Springs, Ga

4 TV shows you watch:
1. The Backyardigans (with my 4 year old...I LOVE this show)
2. Law & Order (any of them)
3. Design on a Dime
4. The First 48

4 places you've been on vacation:
1. Jamaica
2. Cruised to Nassau, Bahamas, San Juan, Puerto Rico & St. Thomas, VI
3. Destin, FL
4. Destin, FL again :-)

4 websites you visit daily:
1. My BLOG (including Adrienne's & Tangee's)
2. 2 Peas
3. Cingular (for ringtones)
4. Target

4 favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Broccoli
3. Pasta
4. Cantalope

4 places you'd rather be right now:
1. Scrapbook store (with unlimited funds)
2. Sitting on the beach
3. Riding across country with my DH in an RV
4. Napping (uninterrupted)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Back in business...

FINALLY....I am back in business!

A few months back, my sweet little daughter, Jayla, put her milk filled sippy cup in my purse...UP SIDE DOWN!! And you know what? I found that cell phones are lactose intolerant. Did you know that? Well they are. Milk not only soaked up everything in my purse but found it's way up into my phone. So, for quite some time, the phone didn't work AT ALL.

But once it dried out, it started working pretty well. As long as I didn't have to call anybody with the number 7 in their number (which is 1/2 of the state of Georgia!). Not being able to use the 7 also meant that I couldn't delete ANY of my voice messages (That's the number I would've thought to make the delete key! {insert rolling eyes}). So I had to check my messages from my home phone. And if you'll notice, the letters "P, Q, R & S" are located on the 7 button as well. So trying to send text messages was a fun task. Ever tried to abbreviate "the car won't start!!"? I also wasn't able to use the * key. Not sure what that was for anyway. But IF I needed it, I couldn't use it. Oh, I know what the * key was for...punctuation. The messages I could type looked like a bunch of run on sentences. Eventually, the phone stopped keeping a charge, would drop calls and sometimes wouldn't even ring (sorry Adrienne!).

Anyway, those days are now behind me. Today I got my new Nokia 6102 phone. It is so cute! It even has a camera (what phone doesn't these days, huh?) I can put cool ring tones on it (which I have already done) and even pretty pictures. I love my new toy!!! Call me.............

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Let's see how it works...

Well, the perfect opportunity, or should we say, the perfect event came up to try out my new camera. My nephew, Markell got baptized today after church. We were all so excited for him. He's been looking forward to this for about 2 weeks now.

We actually get to see how 2 things work today. The later of the 2 being my new camera. And the more important being Markell's new walk with Jesus Christ. He has been going to Marque for a little over a year now trying to find out what he needed to do to get baptized. Being the wonderful role model and mentor that Marque is to Markell, he "showed him the ropes", so to speak. Since shortly after his birth, Markell has attended church with us and when he got old enough, started attending Sunday School. Thankfully, he LOVES it. And has always enjoyed his teachers the the lessons. His current class was a little different though. His teachers, Mike & Pat Cahill have known our family since before Markell came along. So they really took him under their wings. In this class is where Markell saw a greater need for his salvation. So, a few weeks ago, he went to Marque and told him he was ready to accept Christ into his life and in turn, wanted to be baptized. Together, Markell and Marque prayed and Markell accepted Jesus as his savior. The following Sunday, after church, the 2 went to speak with someone to see when Markell could get baptized. January 8th at 1pm was the date & time of this blessed event. So today, as planned/scheduled, Markell was baptized. His teachers, Mike & Pat Cahill were even there to share in the celebration.

Now, as mentioned above, this was also an opportunity for me to try out my new camera. The pictures didn't come out as well as I had hoped. But I was glad that I was able to capture the memory of Markell's baptisim.

"For by grace have you been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God."

Ephesians 2:8

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Precious Moments

Ya know, there are some moments with your children that are just so special. Moments that are simply indicative of their innocence and curiosity. Today, I experienced one of those moments with my 4 year old, Jayla. We were on our way home from doing a little shopping and the conversation went something like this:

Jayla: (staring out the window) "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes?"
Jayla: "Mommy, when is Jesus coming?"
Me: "Hmmm, I don't know baby. Nobody knows when He's coming."
Moment of silence
Jayla: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, Jayla?"
Jayla: "Well, I thought Jesus was gonna come and take us to Heaven!"
Me: "He is sweetie!"
Jayla: "WHEN??"
Me: "I don't know baby. We just have to wait here and be good until He comes back to get us and take us to Heaven."
Jayla: "Mommy, where IS Heaven?"
Me: (Pointing out the window toward the sky) "It's far, far, far away!"
Moment of silence
Jayla: (still staring out the window) "Well....I hope it's not as far as Granny's house. Cuz she lives FAR!!"

Obviously, I busted out laughing at this comment. Because we all complain about the drive to my mothers house. She only lives 4.5 hours away in Mobile, Alabama. But the drive is more boring than anything. Jayla calls the expressway, the "road". So everytime we go somewhere, she asks if we have to get on the "road". It was hard to explain that we had to drive on the "road" the entire way to Granny's house. That's probably why she thought it was so far.

It's precious moments like this one with Jayla, that remind me of how much I actually LOVE being a mother. Because Lord knows, I need to be reminded every once in a while. :-)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yay....I finally GOT IT!!!

I am TOTALLY excited today! I finally got my new camera. Isn't it cute?? I got the Kodak Z740. Welcome me to the 21st Century if you would! I know, most people these days are purchasing at least 7.0 or 8.0 mega pixels. But I'm no photographer...I'm a scrapbooker!! So upgrading from 3.1 to 5.0 mp is quite an accomplishment for me. What are mega pixels anyways??? :-) Whatever they are, I just know that my pictures are gonna look alot better than they have been. Now maybe the kids soccer coach can stop making fun of me...so much! :-)
Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Oooo, I just thought of another one....

In my posting yesterday, I put a list of 10 things that I'd try and do and/or do better in 2006. You know, it's my non-new year resolutions :-). Well, I just thought of another one. And for those of you that scrapbook, you might actually appreciate this one. Number 11, I'm gonna try and be in more pictures and not just the one taking them.
God forbid anything were to happen to me and my kids no longer have me around. I'd want them to see that they did in fact have a mother :-) and that I was actually in many of the same places as they were. Ok, that's it for today. Stay tuned though, there's more on my mind :-) (like this headache...ARGH!!!)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006!

Happy New Year to all my fans! (I've always wanted to say that). You and I both know I don't have any "fans". I simply have occasional readers. Well, whoever you are....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! And thank you for taking time to peek in on my life. I can't believe that another year is behind us. And I don't know about you, but I'm actually ready for the change and for the newness of the year. 2005 was a pretty rough year for my family. So I'm kinda glad to see it go.

I'm not one to make resolutions, as I can never stick to them. But I will put forth an effort to:
1. Make better choices with regards to how I spend my time.
2. Try to enjoy cooking so that I can make better and "different" meals for my family.
3. Try not to fuss at the kids so much.
4. Try and do a few more things for "me". Not to neglect my family, but do more "Dawn" things.
5. Get back to scrapbooking everyday.
6. Start and finish the projects around the house that need to be done. #1 being stain the buffet that I want to move to the dining room. (I'm open to tips and suggestions on this one)
7. Do more fun things with the kids.
8. Try not to have my "monthly" melt downs when finances get a little tight (Sorry, Marque, I know that's a stresser for you when I do that)
9. Keep in better touch with family and friends. Relationships are a gift from God. Therefore they need to be nurtured.
10. ALWAYS put God first!

Well, there you have it. Fortunately, I've got 12 months to work on all this stuff. Hopefully, I can "get er done!!!" :-). Again, I'd like to wish you all who read this the happiest of New Years. And I pray that this year brings you all the desires of your heart...within reason of course :-).